Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
Click here to find out more about the LiH Trust.

Hartley Primary School

Learning at hartley

At Hartley, we want children to become imaginative, inquisitive, resilient and successful lifelong learners. We have adopted Rosenshine’s principles of instruction as the basis for our approach to teaching and learning across the school in order to achieve this. You can see it in action below! 

Learning Partners at Hartley

 Curriculum Newsletters

Each half term, curriculum newsletters will be sent home via ParentMail. This will tell you all about the great and exciting learning that the children will have coming up. It will also share any Fantastic Finishes or educational visits that are planned. You can find newsletters in year group pages.

You can see some examples here: Year 2 Year 5

 Knowledge organisers

 Knowledge organisers are a handy tool to use in school and at home. They are a snapshot of the learning that will take place and often include vocabulary, diagrams and a breakdown of skills. Knowledge organisers are uploaded to google classrooms.